Tanya – Complete Set


“Such a small book containing such a great G-d” – the Berditchever Rebbe

“A cure for all spiritual maladies” – Rabbi Zusya of Annapoli

“A user’s manual for the Jewish soul” – tradition

The purpose of man and the purpose for which he was created. Two hundred years ago, this small volume known as the Tanya revolutionized Jewish thinking and life. In Tanya, the Alter Rebbe introduces us to our G-dly soul.

  • Volume 1 is Part I of Tanya – Likkutei Amarim Chapters 1-26

  • Volume 2 is Part I of Tanya – Likkutei Amarim Chapters 27-53

  • Volume 3 is Part II and III of Tanya – Shaar Hayichud and Igeret Hatshuva

Tanya - Complete Set – Download

Two hundred years ago, this small volume known as the Tanya revolutionized Jewish thinking and life. In Tanya, the Alter Rebbe introduced us to our G-dly soul: to the ineluctable Jewishness of every Jew, to the joy of being in touch with our G-dly selves. The effect of these teachings was felt immediately as the Tanya pamphlets spread throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. Nor has the effect waned over the years.

Today Jewish life around the globe is alive and growing due to the Divine wisdom and vision of our Rebbe, of sacred memory, and the philosophy of the Tanya.

The reawakening of the Jewish soul and the return to mitzvah observance was, according to Tanya, inevitable. The Alter Rebbe’s belief in the readiness of every Jew, man or woman, to serve G-d through observance of all mitzvos informs the outreach phenomenon of our times. And his love for every Jew and the feeling of independence of all Jews fuels our commitment to spreading Yiddishkeit to the far corners of the world.

This belief, love and commitment is the content and substance of the holy Tanya – a small, but awesome work.

Two hundred years ago, this small volume known as the Tanya revolutionized Jewish thinking and life. In Tanya, the Alter Rebbe introduced us to our G-dly soul: to the ineluctable Jewishness of every Jew, to the joy of being in touch with our G-dly selves. The effect of these teachings was felt immediately as the Tanya pamphlets spread throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. Nor has the effect waned over the years.

Today Jewish life around the globe is alive and growing due to the Divine wisdom and vision of our Rebbe, of sacred memory, and the philosophy of the Tanya.

The reawakening of the Jewish soul and the return to mitzvah observance was, according to Tanya, inevitable. The Alter Rebbe’s belief in the readiness of every Jew, man or woman, to serve G-d through observance of all mitzvos informs the outreach phenomenon of our times. And his love for every Jew and the feeling of independence of all Jews fuels our commitment to spreading Yiddishkeit to the far corners of the world.

This belief, love and commitment is the content and substance of the holy Tanya – a small, but awesome work.